The History Of Professional Wrestling

By Ava Hudson

Nowadays, there are so many sports that people are crazy about. One of them is wrestling. In this sport, you see men and women trying to outmaneuver each other with differ combat techniques. Women normally wear sexy costumers while the male wrestlers wear masks and colorful tights. For those that are huge fans of this, they would greatly appreciate learning the history of professional wrestling.

People have started doing this activity during the 1800s and even earlier. In this period, it is not something you can consider as a career. It is just done for entertainment or for training. Even though some are paid to wrestle, they only receive a meager amount of money. Most amateur wrestlers get paid by going to carnival shows. These are events where people can see wrestlers battle it out with each other.

From just doing carnival shows, the public has come to become fond of wrestlers. The popularity of the sport became a way for some people to earn money from a paying audience. Wrestlers started to have managers and there are promoters that take care of arranging matches and finding sponsors for the wrestlers.

It was when television was invented that wrestling has suddenly become very popular. The sport and many of its wrestlers has suddenly become household names since matches can be seen in every place with a television. Colored television has caught the fancy of a younger audience because of its bright and vivid colors.

As the number of wrestlers grew and the sport became quite in demand, different wrestling organizations started to surface. The presence of these organizations only solidified the standing of the sport. With many organizations out there, there is a competition to produce better matches that people will watch.

With the presence of other competing organizations, managers and wrestles thought of ways to effectively catch other people's attention. One thing they did is make everything flashier. Wrestlers started to wear flashy costumes and use numerous props. Wrestlers also started to adopt a certain person to make fights more dramatic.

Despite its popularity, the sport did suffer a period when it started to decline. It started to lost is popularity around the 1950s. However, it is very fortunate that things changed in the 1980s. Popular organizations like the World Wrestling Federation brought back wrestlers with their gimmick characters and different kinds of shows.

These days, people have bear witness to how a wrestler can start small and become very rich and famous. Many professional wrestlers had the chance to get into million dollar deals and sponsorships. Some become movie stars themselves and others were given the chance to star in a television series.

The same with the wrestlers' costumes, the history of professional wrestling is a colorful one. It has its some ups and downs before it came to be what it is now. Some may say that it is nothing but an act. However, for many out there this is a show that features strong people that make it their job to provide a different and exciting form of entertainment.

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