Is There Any Science To Say Weight Loss Boot Camps Actually Work?

By Howe Russ

If you were to ask one hundred people how to lose weight the chances are you'd get a lot of answers crediting fitness boot camps with the secret formula. After all, the HIIT workouts often found at these classes are great for fat loss.

Today we're going to answer the all-important question. Is there more to this training method than just being the next big fitness fad?

The quick answer is yes. Many people often over complicate matters when it comes to working out and boot camps are just the latest in a long line of gimmicks which are really just offering what's existed in gyms around the world for decades already.

If you walk into any well established gym these days you will see countless people applying the basic science of a boot camp workout to their gym session. High intensity circuits which incorporate both cardiovascular exercise and resistance training will cover all the bases you could hit at a boot camp.

The reason this phenomenon has become so popular is the marketing behind it. Sadly, this often leads to rival companies saying more outrageous statements in a bid to try to get more members than their main competitors and it can lead to people expecting miracle results. It's not rare to see advertisements for this type of class associated with statements about getting extremely fast weight loss in ten minutes per day, while eating whatever you want for the rest of the day.

By exaggerating the truth, of course, these classes often make it tougher to succeed. Every class has to top it's rivals so you end up in a situation where everybody is claiming to be the best workout ever, even though all of them are essentially providing the same thing and if you stuck to any of them you'd see results.

Make no mistake about it, there is no miracle formula at it's root. Despite all of the claims about instant fat loss and promises of increasing your fitness by 200%, the workouts themselves are basic, primal affairs which often stick to the old classic moves. In most cases you don't need any equipment at all.

It doesn't take long for serious fitness enthusiasts to realize they don't need to keep attending a boot camp class to get results. This is why the marketing is misleading and targeted at people looking for a quick fix, because once a person finds their feet they realize they can get just as good a workout by themselves for half the price in a gym or at home. This means the boot camp class needs to find new clients quickly in order to survive. The only area where they really have an advantage over conventional methods is the group atmosphere which some people place huge importance on.

If you are trying to discover how to lose weight effectively you will probably see boot camp classes in your local area quite regularly. Overall, the HIIT workouts they offer are proven to work but are ultimately something which you could do yourself. You should base your decision on how much you think you need a group atmosphere while working out.

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