Getting Started With Losing Weight

By Russ Howe

As a personal trainer and fitness coach I am usually presented with the question 'How can I lose weight as quickly as possible?' on a semi-daily basis. Normally this comes from ladies looking to shed some unwanted weight around the waistline before a special occasion, such as getting married. If you have ever known anyone trying to lose weight quickly you'll know that they are often their own worst enemy, constantly searching for expensive and unproven miracle solutions rather than the basic facts which simply work.

So today we're going to focus on what DOES work. What actually helps you to cut your body fat sufficiently so that you can fit into that dress or outfit comfortably and, just as importantly, what takes very little time to achieve these results. Our five tips will help you below.

* Okay first of all if you are trying to cut weight you need to consume less calories than you do now. Sounds simple, right? That's the basic rule. If you're not sure how many calories you currently eat per day keep a food diary for the next two days and develop an average between the two days consumption.

* Secondly, protein has less impact on fat storage than carbs or fats so if you fancy a snack, protein up.

* Losing weight takes willpower. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't help yourself out whenever you can with a little unfair trick or two. You are easily more vulnerable to a fatty snack when you are halfway through a monster shift at your job and do not have any convenient tasty healthy food at hand. Take three-to-four small snack tubs in your back pack with you to work each day. Pack them with a protein rich snack. The calories won't be very high given the size of the actual tub, but the protein will fend off all hunger and have far less impact on your body's fat storage systems than a chocolate bar. Plus you'll actually feel better.

* When you lose weight you want to ensure it's bad weight which is coming off, i.e. you want to be losing fat not muscle. Even if you're a lady and have no intention to look like a bodybuilder, you do not want to be burning off muscle tissue. So when you drop your carbs down to lose weight like most dieters do, be sure to increase your protein intake. This will prevent your body from burning muscle and ensure you are only losing unwanted fat.

* Finally we discuss the benefits of having a day off. Regardless of whether you need one or would simply like one, the benefits of taking a day off your diet at the end of each week far outweigh the downsides.

First of all your body will react well to suddenly having a completely different day in its schedule. You will also end the risk that if you ever need to eat junk food your body won't start reacting negatively because you have avoided it for years.

But the main killer reason we recommend doing this is because it gives you a target. There is a difference, of course, between 'off day' and Christmas day. Don't overdo it. But having that relaxation period on a Sunday is something which will get you through even the toughest week, particularly if you have found it hard to stick to diets in the past.

No matter whether you just want to drop a dress size or if you want to change your life completely, these simple facts are the basis of any successful long-term diet. Not only will you lose weight, but you will lose it quickly because the changes you are making are scientifically backed up without any need for gimmicks or miracle products. Better still, once gone the weight will actually stay off this time.

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