What Is The Importance Of Antioxidants?

By Joseph Scott

A large number of physicians are recommending fruits and veggies to be included in a regular diet regime. There are lots of great reasons to the advice, but one of the reasons is antioxidants that nearly all veggies and fruits provide. However just what are antioxidants? What makes them extremely important?

Oxidation process happens all around us from piece of potato turning brown to rust on a piece of metal. It is a common activity which also exists inside a human body. Human body system usually takes care of oxidation well, but occasionally it causes cell damage. The damaged cells are known as free radicals, molecules with unpaired electron. Since it is unpaired, it will attempt to steal an electron from other molecules. Anytime this action gets excessive, it can trigger a number of health problems such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and arthritis. Radiation, cigarette smoke and pollution also lead to the growth of free radicals. Antioxidants are compounds that neutralize free radicals.

By giving an electron to free radicals, antioxidants protect against cell damage. It is recommended to have meals that include antioxidants regularly to remain healthy and balanced. Numerous fruits and vegetables are a good source of antioxidants because of vitamins E and C. These vitamins are known to be among the best antioxidants. Vegetables and fruits such as strawberry, kiwi, papaya, spinach, bell pepper, and broccoli are a wonderful supply of vitamin E and C. But these vitamins are not the sole supply of antioxidants and in reality they are certainly not the very best source.

A lot more nutritionists agree Epigallocatechin or also known as EGCG could be a better provider of antioxidants than vitamins E and C. Many experts agree that EGCG is 100 times more beneficial than vitamin C and 25 times more beneficial compared to vitamin E in neutralizing free radicals. EGCG is a compound contained in green tea extract. Some of the acknowledged green tea health benefits are preventions against gaining weight, bad cholesterol, depressive disorders, cardiovascular disease and cancer.

There have been a lot of lab studies concerning the impacts of green tea on cancer cells. The final results suggest the serving of 300mg of EGCG on a daily basis to be the ideal amount. One cup contains close to 100mg of EGCG. Additional scientific studies are on the way, yet for right now 3 cups a day looks like an ideal amount.

At this time there are a variety of methods to take in green tea. Conventional way is to brew and to drink the hot tea. This really is good in particular when consumed with food. One additional common way is to blend green tea extract powder with vitamin water. Blending citrus juice with EGCG has been recognized to maximize the health rewards. A practical way is to consume tea capsules. This is wonderful for folks not liking the taste.

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