The Foundations Of A Building Muscle Routine

By Russ Howe

It seems almost every guy wants to know how to build muscle but barely anybody ever reaches their goal. There are so many different theories out there it can become almost impossible to sit down and look at the proven facts. That is exactly what we are going to do today.

Before you begin reaping the results your hard earned efforts in the gym deserve, you must first understand what each of these principles means.

* Build your workout around the big, multiple joint movements.

* You don't grow in the gym, you grow while resting.

* You won't get far without a solid nutrition plan backing up your effort in the gym.

We will run through these tips in a little bit more depth for you now so you are able to hit the weights room full of confidence in your new routine. The first rule points out the importance of making the most of compound exercises.

The best exercises to build size are the old classics. We call the multi-joint movements and this category includes all of your big lifts. We are talking about bench press, squat and deadlift as well as a few others. They involve more muscle fibers and therefore promote more gains, whereas exercises which isolate one particular group such as a bicep curl will only enhance that particular body part.

That's not to say you should not perform isolation exercises, of course, they are still very useful. Just be sure to build your workout routine around your biggest lifts. By that we mean don't exhaust your chest before you have performed your bench press and don't wipe out your quadriceps before you attempt squats.

Most people who find it difficult to get bigger are able to experience gains they have never had before thanks to that one simple trick. To get the most from it, however, you need to also pay special attention to the second point. As you begin to notice results you will want to train every day. That's actually a bad thing.

Resting is highly important to your success, particularly when aiming to build size and strength. Despite popular belief, you do not build while you are training in the gym. The process actually occurs while you are sat at home resting and if you neglect to allow your sufficient time you won't get the benefits of your hard training.

Last but not least we want to talk about your eating habits. Have you ever heard people say that abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym? Well, it is true. If you are eating junk food you will be adding the wrong type of size to your frame.

Working out the number of calories per day you need is simple, for those who don't know simply multiply your weight in kilograms by 25 and then add another 50% to the total answer.

In order to ensure those calories are coming from the best possible sources of food you should try to split it between 30% from protein sources, 50% from carbohydrate and the final 20% from fats.

Thousands of gym members tend to use over complicated theories on how to lose weight or how to build muscle when in truth it's actually very straightforward. That being said, of course, you cannot expect to get results without putting in the work.

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