The Strength of Knuckles Helped By Creatine

By Rob Sutter

When you think about "Sonic the Hedgehog," I'm sure that the aspect of speed comes about more than anything else. After all, Sonic moves at breakneck paces and not many characters are going to be able to match him. However, there are other characters in the games that do not have that same ability but make up for it in other ways. Knuckles, for instance, is all about fighting and power, which is why I suggested that he uses creatine for added support.

While Sonic is a fast-paced creature, Knuckles is the opposite in that he's more about the power game. When he faces off against enemies, he doesn't run through them as much as punch each one of them out of the way. He's the kind of character I liked more than Sonic as a child because he was more visually unique. However, if you think that he's simply a mindless brute without any deeper substance to his name, look into his other trait: gliding.

Knuckles had the power to move through the air, gliding as if he were an eagle with its wings outstretched. It's almost like no one would be able to match his speed in the air and you could almost mistake him for Sonic in this regard, too. For people who don't understand the creativity and believe that these skills are unrealistic for this type of creature, you may be missing the point. It's a video game series where creativity, beyond all else, is encouraged.

However, Knuckle's game has always lied in his power, which is why I feel like he could use a little support. If he becomes rusty, for one reason or another, I believe that creatine could serve him well. This substance is used in order to grant energy to the body, the muscles in particular, which is why he may be the best Sonic character suited for it. Such substances and related ones are marketed by reputable companies the likes of the Muscular Development Store.

Creatine may just be the most useful supplement needed in order to build muscles and it's something that anyone from athletes to bodybuilders can use. They need to be able to keep their strength up and their appearances as perfect as possible and the former is something which Knuckles can focus on. If he wanted to be able to stay in prime condition, he needs to train and eat right. When a person is all about strength training, these aspects certainly come in handy.

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