The Right Way to Take Testosterone Supplements

By Angela J. Stennis

Do you have low testosterone levels? If so, I feel for you.Why? Because I know what it's like.I know how the libido goes out the window, the drive and motivation disappear, and the zest for life? Well, let's just say it can be tough to get off the couch when the T tank is empty.You see, testosterone to a man, is like fuel to car.Without the gas, you're not going anywhere!You can read stacks of motivational books, and chant affirmations into the mirror until you're red in the face, but it's not going to do you one bit of good!

The correlation between having a vasectomy and testosterone levels is somewhat in dispute. Although some facts about the relationship of having a vasectomy and testosterone production seem to be commonly accepted, other studies of vasectomy and testosterone levels have reached different conclusions.Research on the matter, however, generally agrees that if there is a correlation between vasectomy and testosterone levels it is probably not a negative one. That is, vasectomies do not cause the manufacture of testosterone to decrease.

The free androgen index (FAI) indicates the amount of bioavailable testosterone. FAI is the sum of the free testosterone and the albumin and cortisol binding globulin. Or it's the total serum testosterone minus the SHGB-bound testosterone.It is now clear why we should focus our attention on the properties of SHGB. The levels of this binding protein increase when there is excess estrogen present. Conversely, SHGB levels drop if the testosterone levels are elevated. Here I should mention the fact that SHGB exhibits higher affinity to testosterone than to estrogen. Now, pay close attention.It's a well-known fact that testosterone is an estrogen precursor - it will convert to estrogen under the influence of the enzyme aromatase. Nothing that we don't know so far. Here is where it gets interesting. Suppose that we have normal testosterone levels and we don't suffer from any of the health ailments, which influence the SHGB levels. That means that SHGB levels are normal, too.

If you're regularly using drugs, and think they're not effecting your sex drive, think twice. Even common aspirin reduces testosterone levels in men.Here are a few of the worst offenders.Antidepressant psychiatric medications, including Elavil, Valium, and Prozac. Antihypertensive and diuretics.Antihistamines including, Dramamine, Antivert, and Benadryl.Opiate analgesics (painkillers) such as Demerol, Oxycontin, and Codeine.And a few more for good measure, including,Propecia, Tagamet, Zantac, Pepcid AC, and Ibuprofen.

Obesity. Based on the way the testosterone-estrogen mechanism works, increased levels of estrogen will ultimately decrease the circulating testosterone. Excess fat causes more estrogen production due to the fact that fat cells are those, which manufacture estrogen. So, the more fat cells, the more estrogen in the blood and the less testosterone.Drug and alcohol abuse. Alcohol has the property to inhibit your ability to remove estrogen from the blood stream by acting as a central nervous system depressant and also by decreasing zinc levels.Stress elevates corticosteroid levels in the blood steam, which causes the testosterone levels to decrease.Medications. Some medications, including estrogen and progesterone, lower the lutenizing hormone (LH) levels. LH is the hormone, responsible for the steroid hormones production.Diabetes. Studies suggest that there is a link between type 2 diabetes and lower testosterone levels.Hypertension and high cholesterol levels. These both cause the arteries to harden, this way decreasing the blood flow to the sex hormone producing organs. That of course leads to low sex hormone levels. Fact is after the age of 40 test levels drops by roughly one per cent per year. We can't do too much about that. The clock keeps ticking for all of us. However, we can try to manipulate testosterone levels in any other possible way.Low fat diet. Low fat consumption causes increase of the SHGB, which means one thing less free testosterone. It is considered that monounsaturated fats play an important role in testosterone levels and bioavailability.Overtraining can contribute to as much as 40 per cent drop in testosterone levels. That is why it's important to notice early the signs of overtraining and give the body a week or two well-deserved rest.Not enough sleep. If you are not getting enough sleep the body is not recuperating well, which causes less testosterone and more corticosteroids to be released. Just to mention corticosteroids like cortisol are in fact catabolic hormones meaning they use up muscle tissue to provide the brain and the heart with energy.

One possible solution lies from using a natural herb called tribulus terrestris. Tribulus terrestris is an herb that has been used by many cultures for at least a thousand years to remedy both sexual and also non-sexual problems.Tribulus terrestris has no known side effects when used to boost testosterone levels. It may be a safe and effective way to increase testosterone for men who want to have or have had a vasectomy.

Block the testosterone-binding effects of SHBG Nettle root as a highly concentrated extract has shown to be effective at binding to SHBG and therefore it permits more free testosterone to circulate the system. It also acts as a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. This is the enzyme, responsible for the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a more potent form of the male sex hormone, which causes prostate enlargement and ultimately cancer. Methanolic extract of nettle can also cut down the SHBG levels, which is another form of elevating the free testosterone in the blood stream.Pygeum (prunus africana) is another herb, known to block the testosterone-binding effects of SHBG. Nettle root and pygeum extracts also benefit the prostate gland as a preventive treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) both by blocking the 5-alpha reductase action.Avena Sativa is an extract from the straw of oats. It has somewhat different properties. It works by freeing bound testosterone, which increases the free testosterone in circulation.Lowering aromatize levels of Zinc. The mineral zinc inhibits the aromatase enzyme that converts testosterone into excess estrogen. The recommended dose for inhibiting aromatase is 80mg daily. However, be sure the combined zinc quantity of all the daily supplements you are taking does not go over this benchmark.

How do you know if you have elevated estrogen levels? Take a look at your body. Do you have fleshy hips and thighs, and a round soft belly? Are you developing gyno, or male breasts.If so, you need to reduce your estrogen levels.How do you do it? Reduce body fat,Reduce your chemical exposure.Gas fumes, diesel fuel, perfumes, dyes, paints, solvents, detergents all have chemicals that mimic estrogen in your body.

Cycling is the key word when taking any Testosterone Supplements. Simply put, it means that the supplements are taken for a certain length of time and then use is stopped for a predetermined amount of time as to give the body and system a rest. This is done for two very important reasons. The first and most important, is that with continuous use with no breaks in between, the body will become overloaded with testosterone, which can cause serious irreversible damage to the system. Second, after taking the supplements for an extended period of time with a cycle break, the body will essentially become immune to the extra testosterone and no longer produce the initial effects. What that means is bodybuilders will not see any further muscle increase and athletes in general, will not have the same extra strength and stamina they had in the beginning.

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