Developing Big Arms

By Loreta Mahaney

A challenge that many individuals face is growing their forearm size to equal their biceps and triceps. You probably have noticed just how hard it is to get those forearms larger the way you would like, and in particular when it comes to have them of equal size. There is also the issue of one arm being bigger than the other one due to dominance of either your left or right arm.

Workouts for Developing your Forearms

The initial exercise is behind your back barbell curls. You need to use either a barbell rack, or fixed weight barbells for this exercise. For example purposes you will be at the barbell rack. Try not to use the smith machine for this exercise except if you are limited on time and need to use the only equipment available. Set yourself so your bar is positioned under your waistline, so you have to bend over at the knees to pick up the weight. Add the weight you want (preferably just the bar until after a practice set) and then bend down and grab the bar as if you were going to do behind the back shrugs. Push your arms against your own body and curl upwards as far as you can making certain you use only your forearms. Roll the bar back down and repeat. This is best completed x3 sets of x10-x15 repetitions.

Another exercise is the rotating wrist exercise. Grab a couple of low weight dumbbells that you can do x25 repetitions of. Begin with your arms bent at 90 degree and your forearms parallel to the floor. Begin to rotate your wrists to where the dumbbells rotate inwards and outwards. Whilst rotating, slowly contract your arms up and down, almost like doing a bicep curl. This is making all the muscles in you forearms get a burn.

The final exercise is a reverse curl with dumbbells. You will need medium weighted dumbbells, and then basically perform a bicep curl with your hands facing the opposite way. These curls also reach the lesser recognised muscle groups in the upper arm, and that is an added bonus.

Super Set with Biceps Workout routines!

A super set is where you perform another exercise immediately after a different exercise. With this example you may perform normal bicep curls, followed straight away by one of the forearm exercises mentioned above. Perform the bicep curls with medium-heavy weights, as you normally would. Use correct form, keeping your back and legs out of the movement. Immediately afterwards perform a set of side dumbbell wrist curls. This will ensure a good workout that will leave you with a good feeling the following day.

Be Sure To Stretch!

Your arms are needed for pretty much every lift you complete, and hurting one or both could cost you greatly. There are many muscle heads and tendons located on your arms that need stretching, and your biceps and forearms are the easiest to injure without stretching. Also ensure that you rotate your hands around and bend them back to get a correct stretch which will keep hand fractures away. Keep your posture and form correct, and make sure you use the same weight on both arms to prevent unbalanced development. Most arms that end up being one larger than the other are caused by bad technique in exercises for the non-dominant hand.

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