Cricketers Can Learn How To Throw Harder With Relative Ease

By Lucille Lamb

Throwing is one of the most important basic skills for a cricket fielder to possess, and makes a player very useful to his captain. A strong throwing arm can help to intimidate batsmen and prevent them stealing runs. Working on how to throw harder is not that difficult, and good improvements can be generated by following a few simple steps.

One of the more obvious things which you can do to improve your throwing is to throw a cricket ball as often as is practicable. Only throwing itself will really help to strengthen your arm, and to improve its flexibility and responsiveness, in the areas which are needed. To help with your training, you should throw a cricket ball to a partner or at some kind of target.

When practicing like this though, it is a good idea not to over train, as this can lead to injury. Practice should lead to some minimal tiredness in your arm, as this is needed for it to strengthen. Practicing for longer than half an hour or so is not a good idea though, as this can over strain the muscles in the arm and lead to injury.

This does not mean that you should not practice regularly though. If you are serious about becoming a better thrower, then it is essential that you train regularly. Throwing for an extra 15 minutes each day can have a tremendous effect without stressing your joints and ligaments to much.

However, it is also essential to your progress that you do not neglect fitness and strengthening work. Without this component to your training, you will eventually hit a ceiling in your development. Using an arm cycle at a fitness center can help strengthen the muscles that are used for throwing, as can doing press ups, along with some kinds of weight training.

While the focus should therefore be on improving arm strength, you also need core and lower body strength, as this provides the thrower with a sound base. Having stronger muscles also helps to stop injuries from occurring. Squats, 'planking' and other leg and core strength activities all work to help this area of the body to become stronger.

Stretching is also important for both improving your throwing and staying fit and healthy. It will help to keep your arm muscles and joints flexible, which will help with both technique and throwing strength. Massage, especially sports massage, is also a good idea, if available, as this helps to keep your arm healthy too, with deep tissue massage clearing toxins out of the muscles, helping with recovery from training especially.

Finding ways on how to throw harder is therefore not too difficult, and any cricketer can improve by adding a few simple things to his or her routine. Pay attention to all the details of your training, however slight they may seem, and maintain fitness and condition. By combining drill type throwing routines with advanced fitness work, you should soon see your throwing improve.

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