How To Choose The Best Workout For An Ectomoprh Looking To Gain Weight

By Jeff Kappel

The most effective or best ectomorph workout isn't one that is consistent and uniform from one day to the next. It's one that evolves, grows, and allows for adjustments according to your workout needs.

It's great to be dedicated to the cause of gaining weight even though you know you're a hard gainer and will find your path to greater muscle mass difficult. However, the one common problem that most ectomorphs face as they begin the ectomorph weight training routine is that they over train which leads to unnecessary and potentially damaging muscle stress.

I have to be upfront, the odds of you seeing major results in the first couple weeks are not very likely. Just don't let that discourage you and be aware that you'll have to be a little more patient in seeing results once your body adjusts. We all want to see results when we put in the work, but in this case you have to work smart.

So now, if you will allow me I would like to provide you with a couple tips that you can implement to avoid some of the common problems ectomorphs have with working out.

1) Always warm up the muscle groups you're working the day before diving into more strenuous exercises. Warming up can prevent excessive muscle strain that is par for the course when exercising cold muscles. It doesn't take a lot of time to do a few warm up reps but it does take a long time to recover from the muscle strain that can happen without them.

Second, most people who are looking to build muscle mass thing that they need to avoid cardio because it will burn excess calories. However, doing the proper cardio will allow hard gainers such as yourself to build muscular endurance and burn fat at rest. This is how you will gain that ripped lean muscle that all ectomorphs are looking for.

Third, if you allow yourself to start lifting heavier to build more muscle you will need to allow your nervous system to recover by giving yourself a little more time to rest between sets.

Fourth, the shorter, yet more frequent workout sessions you give yourself the better. Your workouts will end up being of a higher intensity and being targeted at specific muscle groups so you won't need a lot of time.

Customize the workout you perform to meet your individual ectomorph weight gain and muscle building needs. Don't forget important things like eating prior to working out in order to give your body the fuel it needs to build muscles. In fact, you should eat five to six meals each day while working towards ectomorph weight gain.

By taking the advice given to you in this article today, you'll increase the odds of looking how you want to in the mirror. Remember, it's going to take you a little more time so be patient.

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