Natural Ways Of Dealing With Sleep Apnea Therapy

By Odessa Edwards

Studies show that more than 12 million Americans today are suffering from sleep apnea. The condition is characterized by a cessation of oxygen flow to the rest of the body especially during sleep time. It is caused by the relaxation of the soft tissue of the throat, which in turn causes blockage. In other cases, this condition may be brought about by the failure of your brain to send the proper signals to muscles that control breathing. Luckily, there are simple sleep apnea therapy methods to help these people.

The tips are as simple as just losing some extra pounds. There are cases where this disease is easily curable by losing weight. The importance of this approach is that it helps you live healthily. Being overweight is very dangerous and can lead to serious heart complications. Therefore, you will gain double by shedding weight.

One natural way to prevent this condition is by practicing throat exercises. This is what is known scientifically as oropharyngeal. Research has shown that people who consistently practice throat exercises have reduced chances of occurrences of this condition. When performed daily, it could go down by up to 39%.

If possible, avoid drinking at night. Alcohol and sleeping pills have a tendency of relaxing the muscles that are at the back of the throat. This has the potential of interfering with your normal breathing system.

How you chew your food is something that has also got to be changed. Adopt a bilateral chewing, and also utilizing both of sides of your mouth. By resting the tongue on the mouth, attempt chewing the food while closing your mouth. The net effect of the exercise is that movement of your tongue and jaw will be reinforced, as well as their functionality. At the end of it, the disorder symptoms will be reduced.

Research has also shown that by regularly playing didgeridoo, individuals can bring the instances of the disease considerably lower. To achieve the results, this activity need to be performed six days a week, and each day, it should last 25 minutes. With time, may be after 4 months of trying, you will realize significant strides. This will make the muscles supporting soft tissues stronger. These tissues are uvula, tongue and the tonsils.

You could also learn pronouncing open vowels especially three times a day. As you speak these words, breathe in through your nose and exhale through mouth. The words here contain long vowel sounds. These include fee, cry, bee, try among others.

Losing a bit of weight is also another tip for sleep apnea therapy. This works in some cases and you may just have to try shedding some pounds. This is also important in helping you live a more healthy life.

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