Tips On How To Train For And Run A Marathon As A Beginner

By Ida Dorsey

For marathon beginners, the most setbacks may be accessing the right information for your training. Getting the right information for your training is a big step towards the right progress. This article appreciates the need for such information and provides you with tips on how to train for and run a marathon.

The next step is to embark on short-distance races. Once you have established a steady running habit and are running three to four days a week, it is a good idea to get your foot wet by racing a shorter race, such as 5K or 10K (3.1 miles or 6.2 miles). This explains why numerous runners like to run a half marathon before taking on the full challenge. Achieving some race experience is a good preparation for the race and will get you excited to commence your training.

Determine your exact race. After training for the at least 6 months and have successfully completed a few shorter races, start thinking about the race you want to train for. There exist a lot of them to choose from. Therefore, you will have to make a decision, whether to run a big or small race. This also entails ascertaining whether you want travel to another city or stay close to home. You can browse through the internet for various listings and reviews.

Before getting started with the actual training, go for a medical check-up. Though you have already been running, ensure to check with your Doctor and let the person know your plans. Inform him/ her about the exact race you are embarking on preparation and let the person examine your fit.

Running with others also goes a long way in enhancing your endurance. Although some individuals prefer to train by themselves, getting a partner or group who is also preparing for a marathon is essential. This will not only provide you with support, but also advice, structure and motivation.

Ensure to warm up and cool down regularly. Warming up and cooling down are vital parts of every run and which should not be skipped. This is the most effective way of preventing injuries and achieving the most out of your workout. Warming up gradually prepares your heart, muscles, lungs and tendons for the exertion of each training race or run. Cool down should come immediately after finishing a workout and helps the body to recover and prepares it for the next session.

It is also worth appreciating the different weather conditions. You are going to be practicing through different seasons and types of weather. Therefore, take some time to survey what is involved with running in the cold, hot or rainy conditions.

Finally, wear proper shoes and running gear and remember to taper before the race. Be sure to wear quality running shoes while undertaking the preparation. Purchasing suitable running gears, particular your sneakers, goes a long way in reducing injuries and the occurrence of painful blisters. During your tapering period- the last 21 days before the marathon- ensure to run less and rest a lot more by cutting down on your weekly and long-run mileage.

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