The Human Heart, Potentially Helped By Extra Virgin Olive Oil

By Michael Robert Peterson

When it comes to the methods designed to bolster one's heart health, there are quite a few concepts to take into consideration. You may think about limiting the amount of cholesterol taken in through the meals you eat, day after day. It's also possible that exercise will be highlighted more so than ever before. While these methods are undeniably crucial, it seems like the implementation of extra virgin olive oil is another concept worth bringing to the forefront.

According to an article on TIME, it seems as though extra virgin olive oil may prove useful for the purpose of helping a heart that isn't in the best of shape. Circulation illustrated research that went into detail about the condition known as heart failure. For those who do not know, heart failure can be led up to by the difficulty of blood moving throughout the body, which is facilitated by the heart itself. A negative development, which is noted by companies such as Unaprol, is the heart actually growing beyond its comfortable size.

While rats were being studied, TIME detailed that their hearts were directly given two different types of fat. As the details illustrated, oleate - one of the fats in question - is usually associated with oils along the lines of canola and olive. On the other side of the coin, palmitate has been associated with animal products, in addition to dairy. These types of fat were brought into the study as well, the results of said study being some of the most intriguing.

For the hearts given doses of palmitate, the organs appeared to be failing, with larger masses than expected of healthy hearts. However, in more positive news, the hearts treated with oleate were actually able to function with greater levels of effectively. Not only were these hearts able to benefit from restored fat but the fact that they were able to function well, in regards to metabolism, only made their readings that much more positive. In conclusion, oleate was the better fat for heart health.

To say that extra virgin olive oil can provide a tremendous boost would be an understatement. This is especially true once you start to understand the various aspects it contains, from the antioxidants to help bolster immune systems to the monounsaturated fats the body can actually utilize. Regardless, a product like this can stand to help the heart, regardless of the shape it is in. Once it is used over a consistent basis, its benefits will become that much clearer.

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