Advantages Of A Fibromyalgia Treatment Center Toledo

By Nora Jennings

When a person suffers from chronic pain of any kind it is a tremendous burden that stays with them twenty four hours a day. Without proper care they may find the stress too much to bear. The chronic pain caused by fibromyalgia affects nearly five percent of the population in the United States of America and one of the solutions available for the victims is found in the fibromyalgia treatment center Toledo.

When the patient begins being treated they must first determine the exact cause of problems they are having. Diagnosing this ailment is a process of elimination. Because there are no tests that are capable of pin pointing it the doctors must test for other similar problems. When these tests prove negative they can then determine that you suffer from this ailment.

Because there is no positive information regarding the cause of this condition doctors are left to speculate about it. The general consensus is physical or emotional trauma, sleep or health disorders or perhaps an abnormal reaction to pain. Women are the most common victims of this condition and it usually afflicts them in their early adulthood.

An exercise program designed specifically for each individual is the first step offered for recovery to the patients. They receive special training from physical therapists designed to improve the muscle structure of areas most painful for them. Ti Chi, Yogi and aerobic exercises are promoted by the program directors because every body part is used and strengthened.

There are massage therapy sessions to help relieve muscle and soft tissue pain. This therapy also helps relieve the tension that can cause pain by virtue of human touch. Acupuncture and acupressure are also used to help relieve the patient of discomfort. The insertion of needles and application of heat at precise points of the body encourages it to heal and function more naturally.

Classes are held to help the patients learn to cope with the pain on a daily basis. The classes teach them how to turn negative thoughts and actions positive. It can show them how to better cope with their pain and how to change their awareness of it regardless of whether it has lessened or not. It teaches them proper relaxation techniques and stress management. The philosophy is that stress and tension work to increase the effect and amount of pain experienced by individuals.

Living healthy and maintaining proper weight is very important for relieving the problems connected with this condition. Patients are encouraged to increase their muscle mass and lose weight is necessary. The strain put on joints and bones by excess weight can cause an increase in the daily pain levels felt by patients. Proper nutrition is strongly emphasized by the team and they are adamant about removing caffeine and nicotine from the patients lives.

Effective and efficient care for the patients and ultimate relief from their chronic pain is the main goal of these clinics. The idea that pain medications are the last thing used when treating their patients is a tribute to their regard for their ultimate safety and well being.

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