How To Make Sure Your Diet Is Optimized To Build Muscle

By Russ Howe

Everybody has different goals in the gym, but usually they revolve around learning how to lose weight or build lean muscle mass. If you are to do either, however, you will need to discover how to build your diet plan to suit your individual goal. Diet is the most overlooked part of any workout routine, and overlooking this aspect is a very costly mistake to make.

You needn't worry, though. Learning how to do this is not very complex at all.

Both weight loss and lean muscle gain can be attributed to one particular aspect of your diet and that is your calorific intake. If you consume less calories, the general rule is that you will lose some pounds. Likewise, those who increase their calorie intake should expect to see an increase when they step on to the scales.

When it comes to packing on lean muscle, we need to talk about things in a little bit more detail. Rather than just sorting out your calorie intake, it would make sense to look at how to optimize what those calories are made of. []

Don't worry, though, working out your daily intake of calories is not rocket science - although it is needlessly over complicated by many in the fitness industry. In order to establish not only how many calories you should be eating per day, but also where those calories should be coming from, then try the following equation:

* Your goal body weight in pounds x 15 = Your total target for calories each day.

If you wanted to bulk up to 180 lbs, for example, you would do the following sum: 180 x 15 = 2700. This now sets you a goal of 2700 calories per day.

* Your protein intake = Total calories x 30%, divided by four.

So for the individual in question, we'd establish that 30% of 2700 is 810. Then we divide this number by 4 and it will tell us the number of grams per day of protein which would be optimal for our diet. The answer in this case is 202 grams.

* Carbohydrates = 55% of your calories for the day. Divide the answer by 4 to get this in grams.

For our daily intake of carbohydrates, we need to do a similar equation with some slightly larger figures. 55% of 2700 is, of course, 1485. Divide this by four and we get 371 grams of carbohydrates.

* Your daily fat intake = Take 15% of your total calorie figure and divide the answer by nine.

Healthy fats are one of the key strategies behind building a better body in a very short space of time. 15% of our calorie target here would be 405 in total. Divide this by 9, you'll get a fat intake of roughly 45 grams per day.

The difference between bulking up safely and cleanly, as opposed to simply eating everything in sight, is the fine line which separates those who add good size from those who simply add a ton of fat. You don't want to gain size on your arms at the expense of your gut, of course. Learning the science behind how to lose weight and build lean muscle can be a confusing affair, so playing around with the principles is a key factor in striking a balance which suits your individual body.

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