The Food Industry Is Brainwashing Your Kids

By Cliff Walsh

The food industry spends upwards of $10 billion annually targeting children. Tried and true methods, such as Happy Meals with toys or cereal with prizes, cartoon and/or movie characters are constantly being promoted. Did you ever notice how little effort is paid towards promoting the actual product/food item? And if the focus is on the food, it is because it has cool shapes or loaded with harmful food coloring to make your kid's yogurt green.

The importance placed on children is not to be understated. Not only do they impact their caregiver's purchasing habits with unfair manipulation like kicking and screaming, they will also one day be buying for themselves and their own children. It is a potent strategy that gets kids to want to buy now and come back for more. Hopefully, for decades, if the food companies get their way. Research suggests that kids under 18 see up to 20 commercials a day for food. This can equate to over 7,000 over an entire year and over 100,000 over 15 years. How do you counteract this kind of enormous influence?

Take a look at some processed food items the next time you are grocery shopping. What you will likely notice pretty quickly is the amount of food label claims that these producers make: all natural, fat-free, made with real fruit, etc. Of course, these often bogus or misleading claims are always prominently displayed on the front of the package while the important nutritional information is never there. It is always in tiny print amidst the chaos of other mandated information.

Furthermore, with respect to marketing to children, the size of the cartoon character or "brand ambassador") often takes up the entire front portion of the package, dwarfing any pictures of the actual food product. Let's also not forget all of the tomfoolery that goes into creating the food pictures. Did you ever notice that your bowl of cereal never looks as good as the one on the box? It's because they don't use milk, but glue.

While the average person is easily influenced by advertising, at least subconsciously, children are even more susceptible. These marketing ploys and tricks make my life harder as a parent, as I'm sure they do to others as well. And with the rise in childhood obesity, the marketing of fast food and other processed foods is problematic. Ultimately, the health of a child's nutrition is the responsibility of the parent or guardian, but is it too much to ask for the truth? When it comes to the food industry, the answer is probably. These are the same people putting poisonous chemicals in our food, but I digress.

With such a negative influence targeted towards our children, what can we do? I recommend shopping at health food stores like Whole Foods while avoiding the average chain. A health food store typically does not have any of the really unhealthy processed foods, so you are immediately improving your child's nutrition. The packaging there is also more likely to focus on the health of the product rather than deceptive marketing practices. I also suggest taking a close look at what your children watch on TV, both the actual program and the advertisements. Some stays limit or have no commercials while others have rules about the quality of the product being advertised. Finally, you need to instill the importance of nutritious food and making healthy food choices. You child may see 100,000 commercials about food by the time they're 18. Who do you want him or her listening to?

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