Chicago Insomnia Grayslake Sleep Medicine Center

By Mark Marabut

There are two main types of Insomnia: Short-term that lasts only for about a month or a few days and Chronic, which can persist for months or even decades. At the Chicago insomnia center these things can be discussed and ruled out by a health care provider.

The first step is getting rid of some of the common denominators that might have someone lose sleep throughout the night and become fatigued during the day. Some of the things that are normal for experiencing lack of sleep during the night are poor quality sleep, difficulty staying or getting to sleep, and waking up too early in the morning.

Some things persist through the daytime activities as well. One is unable to carry out daily routines without getting distracted or losing concentration on the important things. One will also feel extremely tired as their hormones will be out of balance and increasing or causing depression.

Short-term insomnia is usually caused by things that are relative to the moment in someone's life such as pregnancy for women during all or the last few months. Also, the stress of loosing a job or a loved one, or women going through menopause also causes this.

Do not take any drastic measures or actions until this is confirmed. You should always rule out the common factors such as to stop drinking caffeinated drinks about two hours before going to sleep. Also, putting on low, soft music will help soothe your mind to fall asleep, calming your over-thinking, worried mind.

At the center these things will be affirmed or excluded, based on your sleeping profile. The good part is that they do it without the use of pills. So you can maintain and keep your dream sleep pattern for the rest of your nights. This way you do not become addicted to anything other than a great night's sleep.

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