Why Using Nutritional Supplements And Nutraceuticals Is A Rapidly Expanding Lifestyle Choice

By Tiffany Gill

Nutritional supplements and nutraceuticals now make up a huge and expanding sector of consumer spending. In the United States spending in this area is estimated to in the region of twenty-five billion dollars a year. Affluent consumers, particularly baby boomers, are a key demographic that is driving this market. The following is a brief overview of some popular products and their positive health benefits.

Green foods: products like spirulina and chlorella have been shown in studies to have a beneficial impact on inflammation, cholesterol, blood pressure and immune response. This is thought to be due to their high concentrations of chlorophyll. This compound also helps to oxygenate the blood and is a natural deodorizer. People suffering from bad breath and/or body odour can greatly alleviate their condition by ramping up their intake of green foods.

Cod liver and fish oil: reams of studies have been published documenting the health benefits of fish oil. Taking it is simply one of the smartest health choices one can make. It has been shown to positively impact brain health, skeletal health and inflammation. It is rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fats and has demonstrated anti-ageing properties. Good quality fish oil is also relatively cheap and freely available.

CoQ10: a relative newcomer to the scene, this compound is a vital nutrient for cellular function. It can help boost energy, benefit heart health and help combat inflammation. It's effects on the healthy functioning of cell mitochondria is also considered by some anti-ageing researchers to aid life expectancy.

Curcumin: this is a supplement that is rapidly growing in popularity. It is a powder derived from turmeric, best known as the ingredient that gives curry its distinctive yellow color. It has a strong anti-inflammatory action and can be helpful for those suffering with conditions such as arthritis, tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome and gout. It has also shown to be beneficial for cardiovascular health and shows great promise as an anti-cancer compound.

Probiotics: poor digestive function is the bane of many older people in the developed world. Symptoms like bloating, constipation and gas are all-too common and indicate problems in the digestive tract. A lack of good bacteria in the gut is often to blame, and this can be restored with a good probiotic. It should be noted that here are many different kinds available, and consumers may have to experiment to find one that suits them.

Glucosamine sulphate: this is another supplement that can be hugely beneficial for older people. Joint pain and impaired mobility is something of an epidemic among older folks and many look for supplements that can help. Glucosamine sulphate can help to keep cartilage in good health and thus stave off the onset of joint problems. However, as with many supplements, it may interact with certain drugs, so medical advice should always be sought before taking it.

The demand for nutritional supplements and nutraceuticals will only increase in the immediate future. Millions of people the world over are waking up to the benefits of being proactive in their health choices. By supplementing with critical nutrients they are positioning themselves that much better for longer, healthier lives.

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