How Are Deer Antlers Harvested During The Making Of Deer Antler Velvet Supplements

By Marie Robinson

Supplements made from deer horn velvet are today accepted as a whole some food by a number of people because of the health benefits it can offer. Recommendations to use supplement like these are even made by physicians and orthopedic surgeons. They are useful in helping people who could be suffering from illnesses like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The deer antler velvet supplements can provide relief from the stiffness and pain which people with such conditions face.

The horn velvet is extracted from the elk of the deer family that are mainly found in Western countries (e. G., New Zealand, United States). Manufacturers make sure that they extract the horns before complete calcification so as to acquire the full benefits of the supplement. These particular species produce the greatest amount of this material. Once the harvesting has been done, they cut it into four parts reason being each part has an exclusive health benefit to the human body. They then lay it out to dry. At times, the antlers are boiled and eaten to increase mental vitality.

Elk horn supplement have been used for nearly 2000 years. The first instance of the use was recorded in China when herbalists used the Velvet to prepare medications and treat people with different illnesses. It is not known whether the Chinese used humane methods when extracting the Velvet from the Antler. Things are different now because modern science has devised ways to get the raw material it needs without harming the animal.

One of the natural ways has been going to natural herbs and whole foods because of the way the body can easily digest and extract the different vitamins and minerals for a more healthy body. Recently there has been a big push for deer antler velvet supplements. There are so many different deer antler supplement out there that are pure crap, and there are some that are kept in the whole foods form for better absorption and usage.

They were earlier considered as a performance enhancer, and some sporting federations had even banned the product. The instance of a world-famous golfer being victimized is one after the biggest examples that can be spoken about. Athletes have today realized that they would have to be extra careful or face embarrassments that are today heaped on two Olympic champions.

Research has shown one of the big benefits from this supplement is it can help repair cartilage and heal tendon injuries which makes it so attractive to athletes such as bodybuilders, football players, and many other athletes alike.

You must take caution because many professional sports organizations such as the National Football League has banned this substance because of its performance enhancement capabilities. This is also frowned upon and discouraged by Natural Bodybuilding

IGF-1 has demonstrated great benefits in helping young kids who have stunted growth and individuals with dwarfism. In these circumstances, it is wise to be monitored by a doctor because if you get too much of this growth hormone, it can be very detrimental making tendons too tight causing problems you don't want to have. Just like any other supplement you must take caution and don't be stupid. Research, research, research and ask professionals in the fitness and medical industry.

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