A Parkinsons Disease Exercise Routine Is Important To Maximize Mobility And Balance

By Amanda Barnes

Parkinson's is a worldwide disease that attacks more than sixty thousand people each year. There is currently no cure for this debilitating disorder. Physicians recommend medications that can sometimes reduce symptoms, but also encourage patients to get plenty of rest and exercise in order to maintain as normal a lifestyle as possible. If you have been diagnosed with the condition, you should talk to your doctor about the best parkinsons disease exercise routine for you.

There are many stages and degrees of severity associated with Parkinson's. Your doctor may refer you to a physical therapist who can evaluate your condition and create a specific activity routine to fit your current situation. There may be certain exercises that you should avoid altogether, and your doctor can discuss these with you. Not only is it important to decide which types of exercises will be most beneficial, it is also important not to over exert yourself by exercising for extended time periods.

As with anyone beginning a good activity routine, you should start slowly. You might have a goal of exercising for thirty minutes at a time several days a week. In the beginning, you may only be able to handle five to ten minutes of the routine. As the weeks go by, you will be able to lengthen your routine until you reach your thirty minute goal. Warm up exercises are important for everyone.

One of the symptoms of Parkinson's, that is especially troubling for many sufferers, is the decreasing ability to create facial expressions and the dullness of speech that can occur. If this is something that concerns you, simple facial exercises are a good way to increase your expressiveness. You may not think of yourself as a great singer, but it doesn't matter. Singing out loud is good for your muscles.

A lot of Parkinson's sufferers find they really benefit from water aerobics. While some people enjoy swimming, you don't have to do laps to get a lot out of time in the pool. The water creates a buoyancy that allows you to do exercises you would not otherwise have the mobility or balance to accomplish.

Falling and getting off balance are big issues for most people with Parkinson's. Before you begin your work out regimen, you should remove anything that could trip you or cause you to slip, such as an area or throw rug. Some patients actually attach railings to walls in the room where they work out in order to prevent falls and injuries. Good lighting is essential as well.

Regular exercising is something some people find they enjoy. Others would rather do anything else. In this instance, you should find another outlet that allows you to move and use your muscles. Some people love to garden or walk. Whatever you do, it should become a regular part of your weekly routine.

Every year more than sixty thousand people are diagnosed with this disease. It is progressive and incurable. It can be managed however, with the right medications, exercises, and attitude.

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