What You Need To Know About Macular Degeneration Tablets

By Kimberly Green

Basically, the macular degeneration is the leading cause of loss of vision when compared to glaucoma and cataracts. This condition arises if your central portion of the retina deteriorates. This central portion of retina also called the macula is the one responsible for the central vision of the eyes. Nevertheless, the deterioration of the macula can be controlled with macular degeneration tablets.

Usually, the macula generally controls the ability to read, see objects clearly, drive, and recognize colors and faces. If compared to the camera, the macula acts as the central as well as the most sensitive area of the film. When it is working properly, detailed images are collected at center of the field and then they are sent to optic nerve in your brain where they become interpreted as sight.

If the cells in this central portion of the retina deteriorate, the images cannot be received correctly. At its early stages, this condition does not interfere with vision. However, when the disease progresses, a person experiences blurred or wavy vision, but if this condition worsens, your central vision may be lost completely. Actually, when this condition advances, such people are legally considered as blind. Although the rest of their retina continues to work, they still have peripheral vision but not as clear as the central vision.

If it is age related, macular degeneration or AMD progresses through three stages. The initial stage is where most individuals do not experience or suspect any vision loss. Due to this, it is crucial to have regular check ups. To identify this early AMD, yellow deposits beneath the retina are observed as medium-sized drusen.

The second stage is known as the intermediate AMD. In this stage, an individual tends to experience some type of vision loss regardless of no identifiable symptoms. Nevertheless, a thorough exam with certain tests can confirm pigment changes or evidence of larger drusen in the retina. Thereafter, the condition progresses to the late AMD stage where vision loss is now noticed.

Generally, the specific causes of this condition have not been conclusively known. However, what is known concerning this condition is that its causes are complex, and are both environmental and heredity. On the other hand, scientist are trying to understand the cause of the macula cells to deteriorate in order to look for a treatment solution.

Usually, the most outstanding risk factor for this illness is age whereby the older you get the higher the risk of suffering from this condition. Other risk factors entail genetics whereby it may be inherited. Another risk factor is smoking that tends to raise the chances of one acquiring this condition two times more.

The cure for the macular degeneration is presently not known but certain measures can be taken to either slow it down or prevent it altogether. For instance making lifestyle changes on dieting, exercises, and avoid smoking. Most importantly protect your eyes from UV light.

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