A Great Chemical Dependency Counselor

By Rosella Campbell

Human beings are filled with flaws and every person knows this to be a true statement of fact. The unlucky people who get hooked on illegal drugs may be able to locate a good chemical dependency counselor. Sometimes these professionals may be recommended by a friend or close relative. At other times someone's employer may offer this service if they see a problem with their worker.

A very independent male had lived in Manhattan for most of his adult life and he was also a hard worker. All of his customers loved his work since he was able to make or save them money in a tough market. After working on his regular job for forty hours a week he would still work another part time gig. He loved music and people so much that he decided to take a position as a music player on the weekends. Even though he made his fair share of money as a competent Financial Advisor he still wanted more.

People would always notice whenever he missed a day out of the office. All of the employees at the firm loved him dearly and they would always look for ways to make him happy. It was quite surprising when he started taking some very interesting and illegal pills. A person who was a regular at the night club got him mixed up with these drugs and other bad habits. He thought that he could handle a small amount of this medicine but he was wrong.

The customer told him that the pills were similar to a few cups of coffee and this sounded reasonable to him. He took quite a few pills for several weeks and begin to notice a change within his body. This workaholic male had become lazy within a short matter of time and he even stayed away from his full time job. These pills had totally taken control of him.

He was quite close to one of his co workers and decided to share his story with them. They listened very carefully to his sad tale and offered some great advice. Everything that was stated between them was kept in confidence. His good friend gave him the name and telephone number of a skilled therapist who could deal with his case.

The first session went quite slow and this once vibrant male seemed like a very frightened child. The therapist took the time to introduce himself and make small conversation with his patient. This session lasted for a couple of hours and the therapist was able to make some progress. After all was said and done his patient was in a more relaxed state and seemed to be doing better.

Luckily the Financial Advisor was given special help before the problem got totally out of control. He was enrolled in a yoga class at his local health spa and the therapist continued to do meditation sessions with him.

He turned in his resignation letter to the owner's of the very shady club and broke contact with anyone who attended that place. His life is now back on track and he does not touch any substance that is illegal.

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