Promote Safety In Workplace With Mobile Drug Testing Companies In Brownwood TX

By Katrina Wheeler

Use of drugs in workplace influences the work behavior of employees and leads to irresponsibility and increased liability. Businesses need to screen their workers of drugs use in order to eliminate the menace of substance abuse in workplace. You can seek the help of mobile drug testing companies in Brownwood TX to conduct tests within your business. During the hiring process, companies spend a lot of money to advertise vacancies and conduct interviews.

Drugs affect the performance of employees in different ways. First, the rate of production in a given time is reduced and second, the workers may suffer from injuries, which leave them hospitalized or granted sick leaves to nurse the injuries. Using drugs in workplace also increases liabilities for a business.

Workers performing duties under the influence of alcohol or drugs can recklessly damage equipment and machines. This contributes to increased cost of repairs and replacement. Similarly, when workers cause accidents and damage property of other people, the employer could bear the liability. Drivers who drive company vehicles may get involved in road accidents, which cause damage of vehicles and injuries to other people.

The process can be conducted without the need to stop the progress of duty performance. Involving workers in random drugs tests helps in improving work performance. You can improve the productivity of workers when they are tested of drugs because they refrain from using them. Workers will tend to abstain from drugs use in workplace when they know that they will be subjected to tests soon.

Workers who use drugs record reduced productivity, and they mishandle equipments. Improper handling of business assets leads to breakdowns, increased repairs, and replacement costs. Reduced productivity could see a business record low growth, less returns on investments, and low profitability.

The result is that those workers continue causing damages and influencing other employees to use the substances. The workers can also collude with lab technicians when the tests are performed away from business premises. Such errors can be eliminated when tests are done inside the premises. Workers who indulge in drugs abuse in workplace increase liabilities for a business.

Accidents may occur due to operation of machines under the influence of substances. If an employee operates a machine while on drugs, he or she may be injured or cause injuries to other people. The business bears the financial burden in meeting the cost of medications and compensations for such injuries. Accidents arising from use of drugs at work may lead to lost days when one is nursing the injuries.

With increased cases of personal injuries in work environment, insurance companies may hike the premiums rates. Besides, OSHA officials are always on the lookout for companies that are recording increased number of accidents. Because substance abuse can lead to abnormal number of accidents in a business, this could prompt the OSHA officers to inspect your business. To reduce such liabilities and costs, you may have to consult mobile drug testing companies in Brownwood TX to perform randomized tests.

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